Your Own Panel
Build your own customised, representative digital panel. Each panel consists of randomly selected individuals to mirror desired demographics/groups, such as residents in relevant municipalities or specific sub-target groups. A panel comprises a minimum of 450 individuals, depending on the geographical size and population. Through the panel, you can conduct rapid and efficient quantitative surveys to access reliable data and pinpoint insights accurately.
Fast, Efficient, and Reliable Citizen Dialogue:
Subscribe to your specific target group and ask questions directly.
Increased Reliability through Representative Data:
Our data collection includes voices and perspectives from the entire population, even groups that are usually underrepresented, which provides increased reliability and a complete picture of your target group or society at large.
Flexible Sampling Group:
Our data reflects the rich diversity and complexity - from a national level down to individual postal code areas. We also offer target group and language-adapted surveys.
Choose the solution that suits you best
Representative National Panel
Unique panel reflecting the Nordic population, including minority groups
Subscription & Individual Surveys
- Access to unique insights
- Capacity to ask questions to our panel/conduct surveys/pulses and receive unique insights
- Access to 50 segmentation data points when segmenting panelists.
- Access to the solution 'Demographic overview'
Customized Panel
A unique panel reflecting your existing or desired target group. Ex. specific municipality or consumer.
- Access to unique insights - about your specific target audience
- Opportunity to compare your target group against others/our national representative panels - benchmark
- Short time from survey to insights
- Access to "Demographic Overview" as well as "Representative Panels"